
Friday, August 1, 2014

Living Off Grid - How to Prepare

My family and I are building a house in the mountains and plan to live off the grid. Here are some of the steps we are taking to prepare for this new lifestyle.

Research & Read

We have been doing a ton of researching and learning everything we can about an off grid lifestyle. We spend time reading blogs of families who are making steps towards sustainable living. We have also been learning about gardening, alternative energy sources, and general permaculture. We have also learned some useful information about laws and regulations in our area by calling our local PUD office.

Set Goals & Make Plans

Try to be conscious of how you live. Think about your energy consumption and brainstorm ways to cut back. Consider your family's eating habits. What patterns would you need to adjust in order to live more sustainably? How will you perform everyday functions of the home that typically require electricity? How will you do laundry? How will you light your home? These are all questions that should be answered before taking the plunge into living off the grid.

Start Now

The best way to prepare is to start practicing now. Lower your energy consumption as much as possible. Do you really need to leave that light on all day? How long does that hot shower really need to be? Can you think of any activities to fill your time that don't involve a television? Little by little, simplify your life and you will be well on your way to being prepared for off the grid living.

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